Friday, October 29, 2010

In the beginning

I may be small and plastic but my meaning and purpose is mighty! I was just sitting there getting moldy in that plant at JoJo's house with my arms in the air like a 'superstar' when one of those women from the 'Mom's Retreat' plucked me right out!  At first they were just being silly with me, but soon their silliness morphed into a purpose for me!  Those women saw my potential to keep them together in sisterhood throughout their time apart; to be their mascot of sorts!  Each of them gets to "have" me for a while as I will be traveling around the country to visit each of the women and experience their lives even if for just a few weeks. I am so relieved to be out of that house - I get to see what these women do on a daily basis! I think this is going to be the best year of my life!

MONDAY: My first stop is in Indianapolis with Natalie.  Can you believe that the first day after the retreat she had to get up to go to work - we left at 6 AM!!! Yes, you heard me right!  Natalie is an RN in labor and delivery. Everyone thought it would be appropriate for this to be my first stop given my name!  But, as soon as I got there I was put on a shelf and left for over 12 hours!  Natalie told me they had 3 emergency c-sections! Apparently no one's 'vagines' wanted to cooperate that day!!! Later Natalie took me to the OR to get a picture! That OR had seen a lot of action that day! Finally we got to go home - at 9 PM!!

TUESDAY:  We went as a family to get flu shots today. Natalie's husband Doug thinks I'm creepy looking! He said it creeps him out when I'm sitting in the car's cupholder staring at him with my arms in the air! So I have a new nickname: Creepy Vagine! Natalie said she sometimes wishes Doug thought her vagine was creepy!  Later that night Doug shaved his head and Natalie took a picture of me next to his bald head and I gained another new nickname: Bald Vagine.

WEDNESDAY:  Today Natalie took the kids to get gifts for Operation Christmas Child. I didn't go and instead stayed at home and rested. After all, I'm used to just hanging out in a plant all day!

THURSDAY:  Natalie had to get an MRI today. She said she's had them before but every time, when she's actually in there all closed in, not able to move, and the loud jackhammer sounds start, it can get a little scary. Luckily, today I was there with her and she said she was able to think about me which made her think of all the mom's retreat women, which totally eased her mind and even made her chuckle a little bit!