Sunday, January 9, 2011

Just Dance!

Moms shakin their Vagine's at the slumber party. . .

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Here Kitty Kitty

Vagine was DYING to go outside and meet the cats.

We finally figured it out. . . Pussy and Vagine are CLOSE! They were THRILLED to be together.
Pussy and Vagine - a match made in Paoli.
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At Stori's house - I got DRUNK OFF MY VAGINE.
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Vagine Crevasses

I'd like to thank Ellen. She took special care of Vagine this weekend. Getting into the tough places to reach.
Scrubbing in vagine's nook and crannies. . .
Dog gone it. Gettin.Vagine.Clean.
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After being hot and dry in Phoenix. . .
Douching at Stori's sure.felt.good.
Vagine first into a hot, sudsie tub. . .
Special beauty treatment of clorox oxy clean. Some of the ladies said I was "Moldy Vagine!" The nerve.
Well, moldy Vagine NO MORE! Now I am CLEAN VAGINE!!!!
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Goin Black

once a vagine goes black
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Penis Pasta

Nothing gets Vagine more excited that putting a penis in her. . .
so - She was THRILLED when Stori had an entire bowl of Penis Pasta Salad waiting for her to dive in. . .

Diving headfirst into penis pasta. . .
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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Things are dry down south

I'm afraid I didn't get the whirlwind trip I was hoping for in Phoenix.  Cami was preoccupied and mostly ignored me.  She seems to be running in many different directions and just didn't make time for me like I deserve.  Pfhhh. 

There are a few photos to share, but at the moment, Cami is unable to post.  She's needing her husband's technological knowledge because she keeps getting error messages.  Ladies, I just don't know about this "Cami" character!